Hi all! Привет!
Эта пижама, вообще-то, ничего из себя не представляет, но я о ней пишу потому, что я ее сшила для сына из старой мягкой пижамы мужа, как и полагается по старой русской традиции. Пусть сын питается папиной энергией, и пусть сон его будет защищен и спокоен, и пусть он вырастет и станет "как папа :)
Кстати, уж если совсем по-традиции, то сразу после рождения его надо было завернуть в папину одежду, халат, наример, что мы и сделали... так как скорая опоздала ...
Lets be frank, this pyjama is a fairly mediocre sewing work and it would not be worth writing about it BUT
FIRST: except the Russian costumes, these are my first sewn pieces - even if it is not too neat (so no close-ups :), I am proud for daring. And more, I made the patter myself.
SECOND: I made this pyjama for my boy out of the old husband's one. This is a good reason to acquaint you with an ancient Russian tradition of making the children clothes out of parent's worn clothing.
Just after the birth, a baby was wrapped in the father's or mother's clothes (not washed!) to give the energy and the protection to the newborn. Sometimes, they would wrap him in the parent's working clothes, to give the first initiation to the parent's job, which most probably would become the kid's one too.
The children would wear the "kids" gender-less clothes till twelve, the age of adolescence and readiness to the marriage. As of this time, the child would be dressed, especially for feasts, in most attractive clothes... of cours.
It is often with traditions that its esoteric meaning neighbours closely with simple practical gain: home made textile was expensive, so it was used and re-used and up-cycled and re-cycled. Also, the new materials, such as linen, are just not soft enough for just born babies.
After babies, the clothes would serve to.... make dolls, like those that I tell you about in this blog :)
It is almost not realistic to follow this tradition today: people became lazy of doing plenty of things our ancestors did for the necessity, our kids not dress the same, and what we dress is well accessible in a decent quality. So, guys, do not make a wrong opinion that all Russians reuse parent's clothes for kids. This pyjama is rather an exception.
PS I like traditions, I take the cream out of them to enrich today's life. I mean, I would not take big, old, not washed husband's bathrobe to the hospital to wrap the baby. But it seems that traditions are after me - the ambulance arrived just after the baby was already born and wrapped, together with me, in the big, old, not-washed father's bathrobe ;)

Кстати, уж если совсем по-традиции, то сразу после рождения его надо было завернуть в папину одежду, халат, наример, что мы и сделали... так как скорая опоздала ...

SECOND: I made this pyjama for my boy out of the old husband's one. This is a good reason to acquaint you with an ancient Russian tradition of making the children clothes out of parent's worn clothing.
Just after the birth, a baby was wrapped in the father's or mother's clothes (not washed!) to give the energy and the protection to the newborn. Sometimes, they would wrap him in the parent's working clothes, to give the first initiation to the parent's job, which most probably would become the kid's one too.
The children would wear the "kids" gender-less clothes till twelve, the age of adolescence and readiness to the marriage. As of this time, the child would be dressed, especially for feasts, in most attractive clothes... of cours.
It is often with traditions that its esoteric meaning neighbours closely with simple practical gain: home made textile was expensive, so it was used and re-used and up-cycled and re-cycled. Also, the new materials, such as linen, are just not soft enough for just born babies.
After babies, the clothes would serve to.... make dolls, like those that I tell you about in this blog :)
It is almost not realistic to follow this tradition today: people became lazy of doing plenty of things our ancestors did for the necessity, our kids not dress the same, and what we dress is well accessible in a decent quality. So, guys, do not make a wrong opinion that all Russians reuse parent's clothes for kids. This pyjama is rather an exception.
PS I like traditions, I take the cream out of them to enrich today's life. I mean, I would not take big, old, not washed husband's bathrobe to the hospital to wrap the baby. But it seems that traditions are after me - the ambulance arrived just after the baby was already born and wrapped, together with me, in the big, old, not-washed father's bathrobe ;)