Hey all! Привет!
Резюме Этот плед из старых шерстяных пижаков мужа я начала за месяц до рождения сына, а закончила три месяца - после. Полтора месяца сшивания + два месяца стежки (часто ночами, новоиспеченные мамы меня поймут) и мой плед, наконец закончен ! На фото - моя гордость в разных ракурсах и идея из журнала, которая меня вдохновила. Из такой ткани могло бы получиться отличное пальто, но старых пиджаков больше нет - придется подождать несколько лет :)

I have to show off :)

I think, this was a major project this year.
It got started in February with a pile of scraps. The scraps are in their turn coming from my husband's old jackets. You know those business people, wearing good quality woollen jackets to office and producing holes after a couple of years in the arm elbows ;)
In my mood of upcycling, no way I could throw away such a nice and good quality textile. So I washed the jackets on a hot program to felt the wool a bit and to give it an antic noble look.
I used some scraps for my
Loukerias (you can try to recognise it :) sarafans and for
my Russian dress embellishment but still many pieces were left.

Around that time I discovered the whole concept of scrap quilting and Russian patchwork. The essence of both is that
authentic things come from real scraps and not from specially cut new fabrics. I made a
colourful playmat and after seeing this nice picture in a deco magazine somewhere in a waiting room, the idea of a plaid for cottage was born.
Now, four months later I have finally finished my project.
The pieces are sewn together with a machine but the quilting with a thick cotton threads, a la Japanese, was all done by hand. This was of course the longest part requiring patience.
The work started well, but then, half-way through, I discovered that ... I do not have enough pieces. I could have made it shorter, but my husband's special wish was to have it as long as possible (he is on a tall side :). So that is why on both sides of plaid there are lines made with especially small pieces :)
For the reverse side i used a fabric bought for a couple of euro, because it was damaged. Another 6 euro - for the cotton to quilt. My beast costs me small 10 euro + few months of work :)
These are more pictures of the face and reverse sides.
I also thought that it could make a nice coat (this is btw, the picture with most real colours). But I do not have old jackets anymore... should wait for few years...
And btw, next time we buy a new jacket for my husband, I should keep in mind if its colour fits my patchwork ideas :)
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