Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Patchwork pot-holders

Sun is still in Brussels!

After grey winter this sparkling air outside gives ideas and makes me doing something new.

The latest weeks I was into patchwork. But not that accurate and well-thought creation that is growing from aesthetics but the one inspired by my grand mother and that comes from economy and is a bit irrational from design point of view.
This fits perfectly the principles of traditional Russian dolls, btw :)

I will tell you later about a cover we did with grandma.
But inspired by her work, I do the spring cleaning in my tissue left-overs. I take tiniest shapeless pieces and try to attach them together. Often to throw the result away.

This week I tried to make pot-holders.  I made two pairs.

The one for a friend of mine to give her a bit of primary colours in life :)

And this one is for myself to fit the cottage style:

So, now it is cooking time ;)

Your Kukliki

Monday, 26 March 2012

Let's start

My friend has it! A friend of my friend has it! Almost everybody has it! Me too, I almost had it...


And now, March 26 2012, almost 10.00 in Brussels, sunny and fresh outside - it is just right time to set  a blog.
What for? Too many things are done by hand for last few years, I want to consolidate and share them with you.
There are even more projects in the head. So, may be, my blog, you will help me to accomplish them.

It's all started with very special Russian Dolls. 
Like these:
These are big Koliadas (Коляда) and tiny Kouvadki (Кувадка)

Here are Purification Dolls  (Очистительная кукла). But I call them Peace of the House.

Ashes Dolls (Зольная кукла)

And typical Rolled Dolls (Закрутка) aka House Keeper (Берегиня)

 What is so special about them? Most of them are protective and made on a particular occasion and/or in particular time.  And what fascinates me the most is that you do not need a needle to make them and could even do without scissors! Isn't it incredible?

Being an engineer and having rational mind, I truly appreciate this simplicity!
All you need is few pieces of tissue (preferably old or used, especially if you do them for protection) torn by hand, ribbons, threads (red!), time and patience.
Around three years ago I had a hard time at work, and making these dolls has kept me in balance and harmony through that period. Since than, this became my hobby and the door to other fascinating crafts related to ancestral (Russian) cultures and reason for other works.

So this how I start blogging  ;)

Your Kukliki